Author Archives: Siu Keung Wong

  • 07/03/2024 - Teacher development day
  • 04/03/2024 - Graduation Ceremony at Disneyland – Year 2024
  • 04/03/2024 - Parent-child life education seminar
  • 29/02/2024 - Visit to H2OPE Centre (K3)
  • 22/02/2024 - Visit to Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery and Ping Shan Heritage Trail
  • 21/02/2024 - Time of Dance course is changed
  • 19/02/2024 - Visit to H2OPE Centre
  • 19/02/2024 - The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association – Fund Raising Raffle
  • 02/02/2024 - Parent-child Carnival
  • 01/02/2024 - Visit to Hong Kong Heritage Museum